11A: Improving the Delivery of Maternity Care Via Episode Payment: Opportunities and Challenges

Pregnancy and childbirth are pivotal events in a woman’s life.  Ensuring the healthy development of the baby, going through labor and birth, and taking care of herself and a newborn while recovering are all challenging.  With proper support and care, however, it can also be a highly positive experience, during which the health care system interactions create an opportunity to lay a strong foundation for the ongoing health of the woman, her baby and her family as a whole.  Paying for maternity care as an episode can provide incentives for achieving this goal of creating a positive, patient-centered maternity care experience, while also lowering the overall cost of maternity care, and achieving better outcomes.  Attend this session to hear from multiple experts in the area of maternity care delivery and payment.  Cara Osborne, Chief Clinical Officer of Baby+Co and CEP Work Group member will present the work group’s draft recommendations on designing episode payment for maternity care, as well as present her experiences as a certified nurse midwife.  Maureen Corry, Senior Advisor for Childbirth Connection Programs at the National Partnership for Women & Families, will provide the consumer and patient perspective on designing episode payment to drive improved maternity care and positive outcomes for women and babies. Finally, Karen Love will discuss how alternative payment models are being used at Community Health Choice – a not-for-profit health plan in Texas – to provide comprehensive, patient-centered maternity care that prioritizes patient engagement to deliver high quality outcomes.

Transcription of Audio

LAN Summit Session 11A_Osborne Clinical Episode Payment for Maternity Care: Opportunities and Challenges

    • Cara Osborne – Baby+Co.
Clinical Episode Payment for Maternity Care: Opportunities and Challenges

    • Cara Osborne – Baby+Co.
LAN Summit Session 11A_Love


Maternity and Newborn Care Bundled Payment Pilot

    • Karen Love – Community Health Choice
LAN Summit Session 11A_Corry Maternity Clinical Episode Payment Draft White Paper: Implications for Childbearing Women and Families

    • Maureen Corry – National Partnership for Women & Families
